Marshall’s Journey Press Release

(Recorded for  TV)

Brittany: Good evening and welcome to the Interview Show where we randomly interview people at random. Tonight we will be interviewing performing and recording artist Marshall. As I enter his studio its a replica  of Grand Central station working my way back to the recording area its set up as a mid 1800’s train car  very luxurious with even a crystal chandelier. Marshall is sitting at an oak table and is asking me to come over to him. Hello Marshall I am the host and am here to do the interview  we have arranged.

Marshall: Yes and allow me to welcome you to Mtrain Studios.

B: Let’s just  start right out I understand you just released some new music.

M: That’s correct it’s  a 10 song set that was recorded here. It was inspired by the beautiful fall sunsets that you can see in this area.

B: What is the focus of the songs?

M: As always the focus is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. There are many intricate details in any relationship and we explore these deeply. Such as how do you deal with  a person you can’t see or feel? Oh, the coffee is  ready may I bring you a cup?

B: Yes, thank you. Please answer the question you just brought up.

M: Jesus might not be seen but you can be aware of His presence. He left the Holy Spirit here to comfort us and we can communicate with Him through prayer.

B: How does that work?

M: Science has shown that guitar players actually can link their minds together in a process called hyper-braining when they are playing so I see no reason that we can’t hyper-brain with Jesus.

B:What is your recording process?

We record live in the studio. So that anything we record can be produced live on stage with one exception we did record one song in Jesus’ grave for the acoustic effects. It was quite an experience. Our sound and light techs have worked out a way we can do that on stage.

B: We are out of time so Marshall thank you. Tune in next week when we interview Rocky the flying squirrel and Bullwinkle the Moose and their nemesis’ Boris and Natasha . Thanks you and Good night.