Marshall’s Journey week 12 toothpaste cap and power outage

Hello to both of my fans lol. So small to medium victories recently. First and most exciting the toothpaste cap. Well, I only have  a plug you know the round thing you set in the drain to hold the water. It was out I dropped the cap it went into the drain. Did I fish it out right away no of course not and miss a perfect opportunity to procrastinate. Especially since the water was still going down the drain. After about 3 days I located  what I would call a roach clip once upon a time in a far out land and fished it out. Victory was mine and I was so proud.

Later that week a very strong wind whipped thru our area and knocked out a bunch of transmitters shutting down power. I was at my regular Celebrate Recovery meeting where I am the worship leader. The power went out not long before we were supposed to play, gack! So we improvised and played 2 songs instead of 6 on acoustic guitar and singing with no microphones. Fortunately everyone, almost, had cell phones so we had some light and continued with small groups. It was very intimate and freeing.The darkness created a unique and special environment. So everyone shared and it seemed more personal than usual.

4 days later a tornado ripped thru a Port orchard a small town about15 miles  south of Bremerton, WA. I have lived in this area for over 60 years and that is the first time I am aware of a tornado. As Bob Dylan said  “the times are a changin’.”

So that’s it for now. May God bless and protect you this Christ Mass season.



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